Wednesday, April 25, 2012

God's Tree Branch to my Earring Holder

And perhaps a few other things... I'm very prone to rambling! lol.

I saw an interesting post, on one of the blogs I follow, while blog-surfing through my sidebar last night. Kate, of The Small Things blog, bought a Manzita tree branch at TJ Maxx earlier this month and it looks gorgeous with all of her earrings hanging from it!

 (From "the Small Things blog" - Kate's Jewelry Branch)

I thought of how cool it would be to have a "Jewelry Branch" of  my own sitting right there on my dresser. I already have a miniature 5 pine-cone branch that I found on one of my walks sitting on my nightstand! Then, I also thought of how much I couldn't afford to buy one... as much as I love TJ Maxx, I just can't afford things right now. (sigh)

BUT! Thankfully, I am blessed with having the Croatan Forest all around me, even in my backyard, and plenty of Clear Coat spray-paint here at home. So I am off to hunt for a tree branch! I know that God made the perfect one and it's out there just waiting for me to pick it up and bring it home...

I will reveal everything when the re-decorating of my room is complete, and the photo-shoot is finished! I only have a few more items on my list:

 - A mirror for the wall above my dresser (I've been searching for two years for the perfect one)
 - Paint on my walls (not going to happen yet unfortunately because we're moving soon and it'd be a waste of good paint because I'd have to repaint over it before leaving...)
 - The correct curtains on my windows (I have them, they just aren't up yet)
 - The extra furniture being stored in my room for momma OUT (at least temporarily for the photo-shoot. The extra desk table in my room looks a little silly with everything else I have in there... lol)
 - Furniture properly arranged and room de-cluttered of my sewing projects temporarily (mostly finished here, just a few odds and ends to pick up)
What things have you re-created recently through DIY for your own home?

-- A Victorian Cowgirl

1 comment:

  1. **I did find two branches, after a short hunt around my neighborhood. I broke the larger one into two smaller pieces and then layered and wove all three together. It's a bit bigger than Karen's, but it looks pretty cool on my dresser with my Vintage heart jewlery box and Magazine stack! I think I will have to wire them though to stabilize them so the woven parts don't come apart :)
