Thursday, April 15, 2010

More Pics from Tryon Palace with L.L.P.E.

OK, So.. I said I would have to split it up and put it into two different posts.... VOILA!! Here it is :-)
I thought this was a cool pic. He snapped this one of the candleabra and ended up getting me in the background... the reciprocal of this (the one of him I snapped at the same time) is in the original post...

Someones first Pepsi... LOL

Pepsi-Cola Birthplace

More Pepsi-Cola

...Mr. New Bern Bear...

The Iron work on the 2nd Entrance Gate was beautiful... Just had to get a pic.

Pretty flowers at a Lilac house in the Historic District/Downtown New Bern

...Another pic of the flowers...

The wedding I was speaking of in the original post

Me, at the Guards Watch Station at Tryons entrance

Justin, at the Guards Watch Station...

A bench and the cool tile/brick walkways inside the Carriage House

Above the entrance hall outside of Tryon Palace
The brick work on the walkway, near the Guards Watch Stations...
--A Victorian Cowgirl


  1. Bonjour,
    Just wanted to stop by and thank you for following along. You have a wonderful blog here, looks like you and Justin had a great time. Been reading some of your older posts - no worries, thinggs have a way of working out a day at a time. Will be a follower too.
    Happy Friday to you,

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Sorry, I accidently deleted the comment.. OOPS, LOL :-P

    Bonjour Mimi ♥

    You are quite welcome :-) Yes, we did have a very good time, and I wish I could post more photo's but I must end the parade of them somewhere I suppose.. LOL

    Thank you for the words of encouragement!! It is always nice to sign into my blog and see those few simple things like that :-) That really makes my day!!

    Happy Friday and a very good weekend to you.

    God Bless!!
