Tuesday, April 6, 2010


My mom is a HUGE family tree person. Her mom took her to a dusty old library basement to look up family records when she was a little girl and she has been hooked ever since. This is only a portion of our tree but I thought it would be fun to share (and give me something to post...LOL). Other names in our tree are Spencer (a different English line than Princess Di's), Rutherford (which can be traced back to about the 1200's), Hatfield, McCoy (yep, both of them!!), Laird, Johnstone (my small bit of Scottish pedigree), Basham, Wyatt, Lamson, and SO MANY MORE!!! :-D

My mother was actually adopted by her step dad (granny and papaw got married when she was less than two years old) but she has completed some research on her biological fathers tree as well. Her grandmother is from the Kentucky Back family, who are descended from a German line of Bach. There are quite a few JS Bach's in that tree so I'm definitely interested in learning more of that blood line!

Feel free to click on the family tree fan to enlarge it and have a closer look :-)

Let me know if you see any names you recognize. Mom has a box of copies of records out in the garage so I might be able to help out if you are facing a brick wall in your own tree.

-- A Victorian Cowgirl


  1. Both Hatfield and McCoy... very cool!
    Love the blog name, A Victorian Cowgirl, by the way :-)

  2. Thanks so much Sara!! :-) I was suprised to find that they stop fighting long enough to inter-marry, and so every time I think about it now Romeo & Juliett come to mind <3

    I had help choosing the name... a good friend of mine came up with it a while ago, and calls me by it on occasion -- so it is my hidden way of telling him thanks for all he has done!! :-)

    I hope you have a very blessed day!!
    --A Victorian Cowgirl
