Tuesday, April 13, 2010

100 things... give or take a few :-)

My mom and I had a great discussion the other night about personality traits and knowing your own self. I'm finished with "school" but that doesn't mean I'm finished with learning and so every once in a while she will give me an assignment (other than typical homemaking kinds of things). This time she asked me to write 100 things about myself. The list could contain likes or dislikes. Here is my list:

  1. I LOVE GOD!

  2. I like my legs.

  3. I do not like peanut butter (except on toast).

  4. I like scrapbooking.

  5. I like to sew.

  6. I like food, and cooking, and baking.

  7. I do not like that I am not very patient :-(

  8. I like my strict-ish parents (mostly..lol).

  9. I like reading my Bible.

  10. I do not like that I don't read it oftener... or more often... whatever :-P

  11. I like talking -- wish I did it less.

  12. I like listening -- wish I did it more.

  13. I like my brothers when they are sweet, and when they are ornery.

  14. I like pistachios (my absolute favorite!!).

  15. I like cleaning -- some days.

  16. I do not like cleaning -- other days.

  17. I like my pretty handwriting (which, of course, you can't see here...lol).

  18. I like to play piano.

  19. I like speaking/learning French, but it's a slow process because I don't practice enough :-(

  20. I like being artistic.

  21. I like my blog -- good English and creativity practice!

  22. I like steak. A lot.

  23. I like our dog -- just not always.

  24. I do not like the cat so much, not that Ollie isn't ok most days... but maybe I'm just not a cat person?!

  25. I like to decorate.

  26. I like my hair.

  27. I do not like that my hair isn't longer... but I guess that is what happens when you cut it :-P

  28. I like designing wardrobes -- the clothing sort...not the wooden cabinet sort...LOL

  29. I like making creating menu's and completing the grocery shopping that accompanies the menu's.

  30. I do not like laundry, sometimes. Maybe I just do not like dirty laundry ;-)

  31. I like being a simple, chic, country girl at heart.

  32. I like reading.

  33. I like my eyes.

  34. I like pizza.

  35. I do not like it when onions make me cry -- but sometimes they are a good excuse maker for some situations... as in "No, I'm not crying. I was just chopping an onion!" ROFL

  36. I do not like it when I clean and then mud or some other bit of dirt gets tracked in on shoes.

  37. I like candy.

  38. I like butterflies.

  39. I like walking barefoot on the beach.

  40. I like getting a pedi/manicure every once in a blue moon.

  41. I DO NOT like blue cheese. YUK!!

  42. I like going out with my mom.

  43. I like working.

  44. I like staying home.

  45. I like Granny Smith apples.

  46. I do not like other kinds of apples (except for the ones we used to eat in Japan that were so huge that one apple would be a snack for four people!!).

  47. I like poetry.

  48. I like music. All sorts. But mostly country and classical.

  49. I like the beach.

  50. I like watching the news.

  51. I like to dance.

  52. I like yoga (but NOT as a religion...just for exercise).

  53. I like swimming (like a mermaid...hmm, that doesn't sound right. Like a mermaid that is dressed...LOL).

  54. I like seas shells.

  55. I like remembering things.

  56. I like sea glass.

  57. I like when dad reads bedtime stories (so what if I am 18?!).

  58. I love skype :-D

  59. I like Opera.

  60. I like photography.

  61. I like embroidery.

  62. I like my birthstone.

  63. I like being eclectic.

  64. I like watching movies.

  65. I like it when daddy plays his guitar.

  66. I like looking at French Country and Romantic Homes magazines.

  67. I like birds singing in Spring.

  68. I like crytal lamps and chandeliers.

  69. I do not like thunderstorms.

  70. I like my diamond earrings.

  71. I like to wear scarves (but they can sometimes be annoying!!).

  72. I like Okinawa, Japan.

  73. I like my kokeshi dolls and Lladro's.

  74. Hmmm.. I will keep this one to myself...

  75. Hmmm.. this one, too :-)

  76. I like to dance. Oh wait, did I say that already?! It's worth a repeat :-)

  77. I like to dance AND listen to music while I clean -- it makes it go so much faster!

  78. I like the song...oh, wait, never mind.. another secret keeper!

  79. I like Rain Drops on Roses from The Sound of Music.

  80. I like being happy -- a lot of that lately :-D

  81. I like my nose. Mostly. But not always.

  82. I like my LONG fingers.

  83. I do not like PMS because I get sick and have lots of headaches.

  84. BUT, I like that I can have kids of my own one day (Lord willing) and so PMS is a good reminder of that.

  85. I like my iPod -- it enables me to do things like #77 :-)

  86. Hmmm.. yet another one I shouldn't list...

  87. I do not like heights (at least not the coming down part... YIPES!)

  88. I like to have fun.

  89. I like football.

  90. I like jewelry making.

  91. I like flowers. All over. I mean like EVERYWHERE!

  92. I like being 18 :-)

  93. I like my high cheekbones.

  94. I like my genetically crinkled ear.

  95. I like my high metabolism.

  96. I like going for walks.

  97. I like spending time with friends.

  98. I like taking time to smell the roses... and tulips... and daisies... and dandelions... and magnolias...

  99. I do not like cole slaw or potato salad.

  100. I like being me. :-) Because I am who God made me and I wouldn't change being His creation for anything in the world, or for any price! "For what shall it profit a man to gain the whole world, and yet lose his soul?" Mark 8:36

Maybe some bits of my list seem cheesy, or unimportant. It wasn't as if I was trying to write a document that would save children in Africa from hunger or give us a strategy for universal peace. It's just a bit of me. So that I don't forget who I am.

--A Victorian Cowgirl

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