Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Welcome to my blog :-) I am new to this area of the blogging world, but have another blog on my parents site. I guess I should say a little something about myself, huh?

So, for starters... I am 18 years old, a Christian, military brat, who is a graduated high school homeschooler, and a wife in training. My favorite place to get coffee is Starbucks :-) and you can bet that more likely than not I will order a Venti Latte, no foam, no sugar! I love fashion and designing my own clothes. I AM having problems making pencil skirts, I hope to remedy that little hick-up soon :-) LOL.

I plan to write about purity, faith, courtship, fashion, home decor, thoughts of the day, life in general, and family to name a few.

I hope you like what you see, and if you have any questions about something I post feel absolutely free to leave a comment and I will respond as soon as I am able.

-- A Victorian Cowgirl :-)

PS ~ I would like to thank Sallie (my mom) and my other friends for helping me get this thing up and running!!


  1. Welcome to the blogspot blogging world, Victoria! :D So glad to see you out here!

  2. Glad to be here JGP :-) And thank you for the help, and for stopping by!! What is it you said about stepping outside my bubble?? (ok, LOL, that's paraphrasing but....)

  3. lol... even you know you haven't been blogging in a while, lol... :P

  4. such the critic... I don't blog enough or I blog too much... ROFL... :-P
