Thursday, March 4, 2010

Cards :-)

OK, :-) Good morning all! I hope you are having a WONDERFUL day. I am trying to make sure that I post at least once a day.... something of a change for me since I normally only post every few months or so.

I am a crafty person in general, I suppose. A few evenings ago, sitting in my room, I decided I was bored and would find something productive to do... I love to scrap-book, and I have three or four of them. :-) So, as I went through and organized my desk, I found a set of blank thank you/ event card-stock cards. Naturally, with the way my brain works, I grabbed my scrap boxes out of my closet and set to work!

I spent the evening planning, cutting, pasting, cleaning my work area, picking paper and trimmings, etc. and came up with this Set of 12 cards. I haven't decided what to call the set yet though, so if you have any ideas, feel free to leave a comment!!

Thank you SOOOOOOOOOOO much for stopping by dears.

--A Victorian Cowgirl


  1. You didn't tell me you were going to post hourly! lol... I have to do a better job of subscribing so that I actually see the updates, lol. :D *freak out*

  2. LOL.. I was bored (and knew I'd be gone for the weekend)... I need to figure out the post date thingy so I don't flood peoples inboxes with notifications :-P
