Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A not so Wordless Wednesday

Back in January I made and embroidered a corset to go with an Edwardian drawers and camisole set I had made just weeks before... all undergarments for a Ballgown I was in the process of making for the Patriots Ball. I had only a month to finish everything!! I have been so busy since the completion of all of my garments that I have hardly had the time to both take, and post, new photo's. (I was also trying to find a way to wear my corset that was both modest and pretty.)

I was inspired by my blog-world friend Aurora to take pics OUTside, so while I dig around for one of those pics to photoshop into glory... I hope this one will suffice :)

-- A Victorian Cowgirl

1 comment:

  1. Can't find outside pic of me in corset that I like... so just going to go with the one in this post.
