Thursday, July 29, 2010

Put a little Ooh la la..

In YOUR life...

This is for Mimi :D
(since none of your blog buttons seem to work on my blog)
- A Victorian Cowgirl


  1. Merci beaucoup! I love it! Sorry the button were not cooperating, but this is better than any of my buttons!
    Hope your summer is going well. Any special plans?
    Happy Friday to you!

  2. DO you mind if I take a copy of your Ooh la La work?

  3. Mimi,

    Oh, you're welcome! And, thank you so much for having such a wonderful blog :)... even if your buttons were being ornery :P LOL.

    I don't have any problem with you copying it and using it! I made it for you so that's perfectly fine :D Have Fun & enjoy! I am glad you like it.

    My year/summer is going well, and I have been spending a lot of time with my beau Justin, which is great!!

    Happy Friday to you as well.
    God Bless,

  4. So cute!! What a fun button this is! You've also just reminded me that I have another corset similar to this one that I need to post yet, I had forgotten all about it! Thank you so much for linking this up to Brag Monday.

  5. You are very welcome :D Glad to have been of help in the reminders dept Mrs. Karen!! I am terrible at remembering things, so I am always glad when I at least help others remember the stuff they need to :P

    Thank you so much for you blog, and for commenting on mine! :D

    Have a truly blessed week,
