Monday, June 14, 2010

A walk with you, 337 miles away...

We find ourselves missing people as we go throughout our days.. So, why not come up with a fun way to spend time together no matter what the distance that separates you is?

Today Justin and I took a "walk" around DC. He took photo's with his phone, and sent them to me, so I could see what he was seeing!! It was very fun to receive the photo's and to know that this was a new experience, and a fun one... that we were doing together.
Some of the detailing on the window and it's grates...
Some very pretty architectural detailing as well!
Lovely photo here :D
One of my favorite sorts of photo's are something called "Dutch Angles". Isn't it Fabulous?!

More in the way of beautiful architecture..

Love the pillars, and the little rosette ceiling pieces that join the corners of the squares together :D

Lovely Garden view...

Isn't the little spiral topiary adorable? I love sculptural things like that in a garden, they add so much visual interest, besides there just being pretty flowers.

A close-up of the Sun dial

Full Sun dial.. isn't the silvery hedge beautiful?
I bet it would be a breath taking site to see on a moonlit walk..

Outside of the Smithsonian Castle

National Gallery of Art Sculpture Garden

The Silver Tree
Now, if only there was a money tree...

National Gallery of Art Sculpture Garden

The Fountain

A view of the Fountain through the Gates

More of the lovely Fountain!

I have been to all of these places before with Justin, on my last visit to the DC/Maryland/Virginia area. So seeing them through pictures, and knowing we had walked there before was an extra special treat full of many fond memories.. 

So, when you find yourself missing that special someone, or your dear, dear friends..
Take a walk down memory lane, or see what interesting ways you can find to see each other!

-- A Victorian Cowgirl

Friday, June 11, 2010

Shared Tutorial in Practice...

So, I worked on it a little while and made 3 flowers. I made more through out the day, but only wore just the first 3 in my hair :)

...The flowers, & twist...
I have one little one off to the left side of my twist...

and to the right...

I have one larger one, coupled with a smaller one.
All of my flowers have 3-5 Swarovski Crystal beads at the centers.
I hope you enjoy making yours as much as I have enjoyed making mine, and sharing the photo's!!
-- A Victorian Cowgirl

Sharing a Link for a Tutorial

I read an article this morning about the common misconception that girls who stay at home either just sit around twiddling our thumbs while we "wait for our prince charming" or that we only know how to cook and clean. Those are good things to know, by the way, but if I only did that I'd be bored stiff. Anyway, that isn't the purpose of this post so I'll move on.

The author of that post is Emily Rose Brookshire of Simply Vintagegirl. I love all things vintage and beautiful so I just HAD to go visit her site when I saw the name of her blog :)

I found this lovely tutorial for fabric flowers and wanted to share. The post is at

I have known how to make different sorts of fabric and ribbon flowers for a while but I never thought of using a tealight to crinkle the flower edges. They remind me of old english roses or peonies (which I love!!). I am making some of these today... how about you?!

-- A Victorian Cowgirl